
Linux Commands – What Is Sudo In Linux?

What Is Sudo In Linux?

Sudo is a command-line utility in Linux and other Unix-like operating systems that allows users to run programs with the security privileges of another user, by default the root user. It is used to execute commands as root without having to log in as root. This is useful for administrative tasks, such as installing software or editing system files.

Sudo is typically used by prefixing the command you want to run with the word sudo. For example, to install a software package using the apt package manager, you would run the following command:

Sudo is typically used by prefixing the command you want to run with the word sudo. For example, to install a software package using the apt package manager, you would run the following command:

sudo apt install <package-name>

This would prompt you to enter your password, and then install the package as root.

Sudo can also be used to run commands as other users. For example, to edit the file /etc/hosts as the user john, you would run the following command:

sudo -u john vi /etc/hosts

This would prompt you to enter your password, and then open the file /etc/hosts in a text editor as the user john.

Sudo is a powerful tool, but it should be used with caution. Running commands as root can give you access to sensitive system files and data, so it is important to only run commands that you trust.

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